Don’t jeopardize your Accident Settlement by hiring the wrong Firm!
Many of our clients do not know that after an accident it is crucial to go to medical care facilities that understand accidents and the care needed after one occurs. They also often do not know that you probably need an MRI and X-Rays as soon as possible. Julie M. Essa and her team of qualified legal professionals will make sure that you get proper ongoing medical care while fighting for your settlement.
Do not jeopardize your Accident Settlement by:
A. Not hiring a qualified highly skilled Personal Injury Attorney
B. Going to your own Specialist of Choice
After you hire a Personal Injury Attorney in the Atlanta area, you should be guided to utilize specialized orthopedics doctors and physical therapists, and possibly chiropractors that specialize in accidents. The only way to detect all injuries is by using MRI Scans and other specialized sophisticated medical equipment. Our medical specialists have access to an open-MRI to explore the extent of your injuries. Too often, victims are released from the ER with a brief exam and X-rays. Without an MRI, you may receive incomplete care and jeopardize the Accident settlement you deserve.
Don’t jeopardize the Accident Settlement you deserve:
Don’t jeopardize your Accident Settlement by not hiring an attorney that has a specialized medical team by their side.
Ongoing Medical Care by our Auto Accident Specialists
Same-Day Appointments Available
No Fees paid until we settle
Recent Accident? Find Out What You Need to Know! You may be entitled to a cash settlement to cover medical bills, lost wages, and general pain and suffering. We understand that getting specialized medical care after an accident is as important as hiring a Personal Injury Attorney.
It is in your best interest to seek out an Attorney such as Attorney Julie M. Essa that has the relationships and connections with various expert medical teams in the Atlanta area. Prior to becoming an Attorney almost 2 decades ago, Attorney Julie M. Essa owned and operated a medical coding company. She formed many alliances with insurance companies across Georgia and also got to see first hand who the medical experts in accident cases were. Seeing a chiropractor or physical therapist that does not specialize in accidents may not be a good idea. Of course, if you or someone you know is critically insured go to the nearest medical facility to get care immedidately. If you are in the Atlanta area don’t skip calling a Personal Injury Attorney as soon as you or a family member is able to do so. Don’t jeopardize the settlement you deserve.
Submit the form below to contact Julie Essa and her team today!